Friday, November 16, 2012

This Just In: Part 3

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          James Parker watched the television set with intensity and was amazed by the swiftness of the media coverage. The third news van arrived on site nearly twenty minutes before the first police car. Only minutes later would the ambulance arrive. Sitting solemnly on his plastic wrapped couch, watching the suffering of others had become James Parker's pathetic daily routine. Occasionally he would try to flip through the channels but he never experienced the need to watch a fictional show anymore; all the drama was readily available on “America's Newsroom” with Lana Diaz and her two thousand dollar outfits.
           The old man tried watching sports but he very quickly realized that televised games were now three hour long advertisements. What sportsmanship used to exist, had faded into showmanship. Now he sat up for hours, absorbing the horrors of reality until ten in the morning, at which time he hungered for more than the news. James Parker would shut off his television, lace up his sneakers, grab his coat and keys, shut all the windows, walk outside, go back inside, check the windows again, walk back outside, lock the door, pause and listen to see if he left the television on, and then start his daily walk to Sammy's Diner.
And through all of this, Lana Diaz's voice continued to echo in his head as he exited his apartment building:

Nevada becomes the fifteenth state to ban violent video games after the latest school shooting at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas which left nine students and three faculty members dead.

           This walk to Sammy's Diner was the only exercise for the old man these days; it was actually the only time he stepped out of his apartmental jail. The time between locking his apartment door and entering the diner was easily the worst twenty minutes of his day. The old man always envisioned the stories from the television jumping to life. And all the previous self deprecating thoughts of suicide and death proved to be cowardly as he experienced very real fear during this journey.
          But, so far, the 2,556 days spent walking this path had proven uneventful. As much as the faces in the city changed around him, the city had remained the same. The building's facades were still crumbling but the city's streets were far more polluted with things much darker than litter. The homeless population continued to rise, gang members no longer had specific territory, but occupied the entire city freely.
           Today, James Parker noticed the sky. He noticed how much the grey has taken over. 

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