Sunday, November 18, 2012

This Just In: Part 5

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          Sonya stumbled back after meeting James Parker's leg. With impossibly big eyes she looked up at the old man and sang out, “Oh, hello.”
           “Well hey there,” James started with his grandfatherly advice, “you know, it's not safe to be wandering out here alone.”
           “No, it's okay. My mama tells me to be tough. I'm tough now.”
           “Oh, okay,” James Parker says with a laugh. “What is your name?”
           “My name is Sonya. My mama calls me mi cielo.”
           “Mi cielo? What does that mean.”
           “It means, my sky,” she says with an enthusiasm only found in young, uncorrupted, children, “It's because I like birds so much. I like all kinds of birds.”
           The old man, with his own sky blue eyes, looks straight back into Sonya's innocent brown ones. “Well, Sonya, my name is James. Why are you out here by yourself? It's dangerous.”
           With her chest puffed out, Sonya began to explain that her mother was ill- that she, being her daughter, was the only person who could get her mother's medicine at the local pharmacy. Sonya told him she was only going to be out on the streets for five minutes because she lived in the apartment complex where the old bookstore used to be. With total faith and conviction she told him that her and her mother were always going to be okay because God was always watching over them.
           James Parker wanted to tell her she was mistaken. He wanted to tell her that not everything was going to be okay, and all she had to do was look around to see that God has abandoned everyone. He wanted to tell her all of that, but instead he smiled and told her to be careful. The old man reached into his back pocket and pulled twenty dollars from his wallet, “Here, get yourself something nice,” he told her, “for being brave.”
           Her voice now an octive higher than before and her eyes now wider than James thought possible, she sang out, “Thanks James,” as she skipped away.

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