Tuesday, November 27, 2012

This Just In: Part 10

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        The old man kissed Sonya on her icy forehead and started for her mother's apartment.

        Now, outside the cracked apartment building, he ran his trembling finger down the line of names until it stopped at “Georgia Escobar: Apartment 447C”. He did not know what he would say to her- how he could tell a mother that her daughter had been killed.
        He sat for half an hour outside the building with that medicine bag spotted with Sonya's blood until he gathered the courage to walk inside.
        After climbing three flights of stairs and wandering around countless corners, James Parker stood outside Apartment 447C and took a deep breath before he knocked on the door of Sonya's old home.
        If the old man had any emotion left inside of him it would have been rage. A tired old woman stood in front of him. Hair, dried and tangled. Eyes, blood shot and dilated. Breath, sweet from the vodka. Nails, unkempt. Skin, pocketed with lesions from the meth.
        The apartment was cleaner than she, but the old man had a feeling Sonya was the one to keep the place tidy. There were still empty food containers and random clothes on the floor, but considering the owner of the apartment, it could have been much worse.
        He looked up at the old woman, “What do you want?”
        He continued to gaze, seeing Sonya in her mother's eyes, “Do you happen to suffer from migraines, Miss Escobar?”
        “No,” she answered with confusion, “fuck off.”
        With some reservoir of strength, James Parker stopped the door from slamming shut. He pushed the door open and asked, “Why do you need the Vicodin?”
        The mother's eyes widened and she tried, again, to close the door but James thwarted that effort; he pushed the door open and entered the room noticing “America's Newsroom” on the television.
        “You need to get the fuck out of my house, old man, before I make you.”
        “I just want to know why you need Vicodin, Georgia.”
        But he already knew that answer now that he was inside the apartment. Crack pipes, syringes, burnt spoons, lines of neatly packed white powder. In a soft whisper he told her what he had been dreading to say out loud, “Your daughter, Sonya, was killed, picking up your drugs.”
        There was more he wanted to say to her. He wanted to crush the heart of this monster that was responsible for the death of the one bright light he had seen in years. But he did not want to think about it anymore. The old man did not want to talk about it; he wanted to fall asleep. He was tired.
        James tossed the bag at Sonya's mother. She caught and examined what she held in her hands and knew James was not lying. Falling to the floor, she managed to open the bottle before she could even start crying.
        Across the room from Georgia Escobar, the old man fell onto the couch. With tired eyes he watched Lana Diaz on the television:

Please help bring this little girl to justice. Shot on the streets of New York in an apparent drug deal gone wrong, she was left to die. A sketch artist has drawn this representation of what is believed
to be the shooter-

        Lana Diaz held her finger to her ear and continued:

Back to that story later. This just in, 
America's Newsroom Exclusive: Pope Roberto Franco VII
was just found in possession of child pornography....

        The old man had heard enough. He lied down on the couch and wept. 

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